Sharma Gerriet K.

Composer and sound artist. Spatialization of electroacoustic compositions in Ambisonics and wave field synthesis. Senior researcher on the Orchestrating Space by Icosahedral Loudspeaker (OSIL) project funded by the Austrian Science Fund, and DAAD Edgar Varèse professor at the TU Berlin in winter semester 2017.

All areas of my activity deal with media-linked societies, their perception and the influence and alteration of their perception by the media. To this end, I consider it inevitable that I expose myself to these environments with their apparatuses, effects and phantoms, to research them, and thus myself, to subtract a critical artistic use, in order to create a counterpoint in dealing with the usual media-induced music sound-, picture-, worlds. The fact that I have chosen for this practice from the outset and without exception sounds and their emitters, storage media and projection methods is due to my persisting fascination for the potential of the subtle compositional possibilities and the constantly problematic relationship between time, space and body within the framework of a so called (virtual-)reality of the Now.